The «Record of the I. P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University» («Record of IPP-SPSMU») is the official journal of the IPP-SPSMU. It publishes reports on the problems of medical science, practical work and teaching.
In accordance with the resolution of the Supreme Attestation Comission (SAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science the journal «Record of the I. P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University» is included in the list of the leading reviewed scientific journals issued in the Russian Federation and is recommended for publication of the main results of dissertation researches for scientific degree of a Candidat of Science and of a Doctor of Science.
The journal offers the fillowing sections:
– editorials;
– origival papers;
– reviews and lectures;
- to assist the practitioner
– discussions;
– brief information;
– history and present day events;
– historical calendar;
– information on the schedule of conferences, symposia, and congresses;
– advertisement.